Keep in the loop with Current Lifestyle's news, stories and highlights from Jules and Lu.
Greeting cards & Christmas cards available
We are back…..
SEASIDE THEME - Current Lifestyle are bringing out their seaside collection.
New products coming soon for 2024
We are now able to produce metal signs. Each one is designed by us and made by us. Great for an industrial style indoors or outdoors.
You can never have enough Mugs?
Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024
goodbye to 2023 and embrace 2024! Read our latest blog post on Current Lifestyle Craft Store's reflections and aspirations for the new year.
Who loves a mug
Who loves a mug - Our new design range is here
canford school
Summer loving....
Summer vibes at Bryanston! Over 2000 guests enjoyed our repurposed treasures. Now, we're crafting more in the New Forest workshop. Next stop: Canford School, Poole, on August 19th! Join us for a chat and more unique finds!
Gift Vouchers are here!
Expanding Our collection
These industrial styled number table sets are popular. Each piece of slate is hand designed and makes a unique table collection. We are now expanding this line further to include napkins, glasses and candles. Keep an eye on the shop for when these are ready. Please feel free to drop us an email - if you would like to make any orders.